
Making presentation template in Ipe

Ipe, a powerful vector graphics editor for creating scientific drawings with inclusion of $\LaTeX$ annotations, is also suitable for creating complete presentations. In this mini tutorial, I explain how to create a stylesheet (or a template) in a given house style.

Zernike Calculations in Julia

Recently, a fast and robust method of calculation of the Zernike polynomials and their derivatives in Cartesian coordinates was published. It was really easy to translate the published pseudo-code in Julia. The implementation appeared to be indeed very fast, so I could not resist to play with some visualisations.

Running Julia in WSL

Windows 10 offers a friendly way to instal and use Linux system (the so-called WSL). Quite unexpectedly, Julia runs faster in WSL. You can check it yourself following the steps in this short tutorial.

Automatic Deployment

How to make a rendered version of a Hugo site to be always up to date to its source

Using forestry to manage my site provides a user-friendly web-interface to manage static web sites. The question is whether this is easier than creating and editing the pages from IDE?

Frequency Identification With TFFT

In Mathematica documentation devoted to Fourier command, I’ve stumbled upon a curious example of the frequency identification from a noisy data. The most interesting part was that the frequency (or the period) was found with high accuracy. And this was done by just changing the parameters of Fourier command!